Who We Help.

Florist receives 1,681 calls from Google listing through OPTIMA™ program.
Florist receives 1,681 calls from Google listing through OPTIMA™ program.

While it’s significance is seemingly obvious to some, online presence management for businesses is still a relatively new concept. Maintaining a proactive online presence is fundamental to local marketing and can make all of the difference in a business’s continued success. No one knows this more than the owners of Hillview Garden & Floral in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Hillview Garden & Floral signed on with OPTIMA Online Visibility and Reputation Management in 2018 and has seen continuous, positive results.

Hillview Garden & Floral continues to maintain a 5 star rating with their customers; and even more impressive is Hillview’s click to call stats: 1,681 since signing on with OPTIMA in 2018. These are phone calls that Hillview Garden & Floral receives directly from their Google listing. An orderly, complete Google listing can make all the difference in gaining a customer’s attention. According to Google, complete business profiles on Google are 2.7 times more likely to be considered reputable, 70% more likely to attract location visits, and 50% more likely to lead to a purchase. Complete listings get on average 7 times more clicks than empty listings! For Hillview Garden & Floral, a complete and accurate Google listing has a direct correlation to an increase in business.

Additionally, Hillview Garden & Floral has captures 71 leads through the OPTIMA Program. These are direct messages sent to the business, opening up a line of communication between owner and customer and increasing the probability of a sale.

With OPTIMA, a Dedicated Account Management Team will maintain a proactive, reputable online presence for your business, making the service an essential asset to any local business in an increasingly online world.

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